Friday, November 27, 2009

Blue I School

You know many of them said that geek didn't like clubbing very much. They prefer dating with their books than meeting some hot chicks in the club. In order to break this traditions, the board of director of The Mist had organized an event called Blue I School that encouraged some nerdy and geeky student to the club. The theme of the night was like backing to the schooling days and the most of the important things was everyone must had their glasses on their face.

I was camwhoring with Chin in the toilet. Our nerdy face with the geeky specs posing in the toilet.

Harpreet in the house

Eddy Rudan Shiva Viknesh!!!

And lastly the a group photo that snapped in front of the Mist.

Too lazy to blog recently. I miss my friends in inti.

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